Behind the Bar

A Locals Design Guide to Bars, Restaurants, and Lounges.

Ottimista Enoteca-Cafe

Neighborhood: Marina/Cow Hollow
1838 Union Street
(between Laguna St & Octavia St)
San Francisco, CA 94123
(415) 674-8400

In The Know: I really can't say there is anything all to special about this one amongst a thousand wine bars. When you envision a wine bar what is the first thing that comes to your head: chunky wood accents, or European park style outdoor tables, or napa style marble bar countertops, or one wine rack wall, or wine barrels strategically placed somewhere, or sexy mood lighting via candle light, or what my girlfriend described as 'poopy' rose stucco walls (that is a very technical term - thanks Lindsay!). All thats missing is the exposed brick. If you want to add a little pizazz...

Behind the Bar: Let me start by saying it was only due to the server that I could even tolerate the design of the space. She was incredibly nice and informative in her descriptions of the bar. She stated that the bar had been open for three years and they were the original wine bar in SF and everyone had followed their lead. (highly doubtful but interesting nonetheless) When asked about the design she quickly came at me with a 'oh I love it....'
Who's Who: More for the want to sit alone or amongst friends and partake in nice conversation crowd. Not a place to really meet people. Although one couple proves me wrong. While I know I should not crinkle my nose and play my most favorite bar game, 'Name That Persons Self-Esteem Issue' (Im actually dead inside) in the Marina district because it is far to easy, I could not help overhearing one mans attempt to show how cool he is...

Gimme More!


Big Deal said...

Your face is bright red you wino

Lindsay said...

That DB's voice was about 20 decibles too high, too. He wanted everyone on Union Street to know what city he and his embroidered shirt owned...

Sheyna Greenamyer said...

It wasn't the wine that cause was the reflection off the menu that went through a wine bottle and than refracted off a cherry tomato and on to my face. That was why it was red, ben.

Nob Hill Forreal said...

was the wine any good?