Goedemorgen from Dutch-land! ...yes I was an idiot!
You know how people say you can get stuck in Amsterdam, well... why would you not want to wake up to this place just everyday.
For the 4 days I have been walking around the city. I feel like I am starting to learn the little ins and outs, more like a local than a tourist. It also doesn't hurt that every person speaks english and every person is more than willing to help out with directions and what not. Today I decided to rent a bike. As I am sure that everyone has heard, there is a trillion bikes here. I have never seen so many in my life! They line the streets, sometimes 4-5 deep. It is truly incredible. It keeps the city so clean, and it is so easy to get around.
The past couple days I have really gotten the chance to spend the time alone. I have enjoyed traveling with Ryan but he is coming to the end of his great venture and he is slowing down a lot. I could see that it was wearing on him, and me. I am not used to spending that much time with another person. As an example, the last guy I dated was only for a month and really we were only together on the weekends. That was even a lot of time. I like my me time. So needless to say it was not the way I wanted to start my trip or continue it for that matter. But I can't blame him, in october he will have been going at it for a year. Long trip. I could see that my attitude towards this whole trip was starting to change and I was somewhat regreting crossing the Atlantic. I am happy to report, though, that I no longer have any form of regret for coming over here. I dont know if it is this city (most likely) or my attitude towards the whole trip has been re-thought (I needed to make this trip about me and not him) but now I just can't see any other place I want to be.
So far my days here have consisted of waking up walking along the canals to a local cafe, where i sip on a latte, read or write, and people watch. Sometimes it is over looking a canal, sometimes a large piazza, or sometimes a small hidden alley. Todays choice was in the Jordaan district where old fern covered buildings were only separated by a small path. No cars were permitted. The only feeling to discribe it was quiant. Surprisingly this whole city is very mellow. All the hype that was associated with the pot capitol of the world is only a small section of the city. Amsterdam proper, in general, is very old world home feel. It only I knew Dutch, I might consider not leaving;)
Well that is my mini update for the time being. As far as what the near future has in store, well I can't seem to leave a place that looks like what it looks like here. AI have about 2 weeks left, Amsterdam one more week, possibly more, and Barcelona for the remainder.
Hello all! Sorry for the delaying in postings. Accessing world wide web is not as easy as i had imagined. It isn't hard to find them I just don't want to sit and do it, too much to see. '
Arrived in amsterdam yesterday and realized it could possibly be the most beautiful place in the world. The architecture, mixed with an ridiculous amount of canals, and millions of bikes, and a park that could quite possibly be a dream; I have no complaints.
more to come....
Hello to all!
I have made it, as I am sure you can tell by reading this. 23 hours, 2 flights, 4 tylinal p.m., 5 beers, and one very tired girl later I made it into Prague! It was totally worth it. This city is great and architecture to match.
This city is lined with small cobblestone alleyways, old world design, and churchs\cathedrals all over the place. I have yet to be short a great sandwich or a cold pilsner.
As I am short on time I will give the most to the point descriptions of my first hours upon my arrival and just leave it to the pictures I will be adding to speak for themselves. I dined at a great locals spot where some seriously saucy beef, brie, and beers were the perfect start to what I can only imagine as an amazing adventure. The design of the space was fairly minimal, or at least I couldn't see a lot of design through the cloud of smoke. I forgot what it was like to be in a place where you are the odd person out if you aren't a smoker. After a great meal, our server told us to check out a self-service pub down the street. Thats right folks, someone thought it would be a great idea to set me loose in a bar where I am my own bartender. I love you random chech server for turning me on to what will eventually lead to a pretty serious hangover today. Looking into The Pub you would think it was like every other cafe around town. A gentleman that was entering the space could see the doubtful look on my face but reassured me that I would be a fool not to go in. Kinda like the don't judge a book by its cover deal. The cover portrayed stuffy cafe; the pages read brilliant 2 story driking extravaganza. This bar was great! There was about 5 tables upstairs and 8 downstairs. Each table sat 10 ppl (I am sure more if you didn't mind cuddling up) and at the center was 4 taps. It keeps track of how much beer is poored on a small screen above the spouts and also on a large projector spanning one wall. I might add it is very interesting to know exactly how much beer you consume in one sitting. For two people I feel we held our own but once I looked at the scores (they tally up the number of beers you drink and turn it into a contest of sorts, which tables are the heavy drinkers and which are the lightweights losers) I realized I need to build up my tolerance much more. Coming in almost dead last in our drinking 'contest' we left the bar to frolick through the street for a bit.
I have to say, tourist populated cities are much better when all tourists are at their respected hotels dreaming about what kooky European adventure they could be on the next day. At night the streets are completely cleared allowing for dancing or random back alley makeout sessions. Not that I would know or anything. I am one of the tourists ;)
Till my next adventure....
I am just a few short hours away from my European adventure and would like to extend a artificial invitation to all! Yes, you are cordially invited to read/view my debaucherous follies through at least 5 different cities. This was very much a last minute trip, i.e. a dear friend of mine Google chatted me about a week ago telling me how ditching the U.S. and spending almost 2:1 in foreign currency is the new black. I just couldn't say no to that kind of pillow talk now could I.

See everyone in a month.....maybe ;)
p.s. The head shot I used above was taken when I was a wee lil tote. I found it fitting for my extravaganza because it was the only one showcasing my pretty amazing mullet. I can't believe I had such a keen euro-fashion sense even as a child. And for those of you who noticed, yes that is my 'taking over the world' face. Europe has no idea what their in for. Cheers!
Neighborhood: Marina/Cow Hollow
1838 Union Street
(between Laguna St & Octavia St)
San Francisco, CA 94123
(415) 674-8400

Gimme More!
25 Mason St (between Market St & Turk St)
San Francisco, CA 94102
(415) 409-3276
In the Know: Designers take note! If you are going to create a kitchy theme for your restaurant, do it. Don't half ass it by forgoing even the smallest detail. In the end you'll be happy you did. Designer of Farmerbrowns did an absolute amazing job keeping to theme. Almost (and I only say almost because it is close to impossible the have everything work; some elements just can't be changed) every component was straight up farm....

Behind the Bar: For any young hospitality designers reading this, one word of advice: take a crack at the industry for awhile. Become a server, bartender, busser, runner, host(ess), or even work in the kitchen. The only way to successfully master hospitality design is to know your surrounds, i.e. what works and what does not as an insider. It is easy to design a space that looks pretty but it is even easier and better to design a space that looks pretty and functional if you have been in the industry before. With this in mind...

You would think that a girl would know the difference between a New York cityscape and a SF scape. Well I do, thank you very much! I am making some changes to the layout and if you happen to read this while I am under construction, well just enjoy the gorgeous view of NY. Soon you will see a better one of SF, trust me.
Neighborhood: SOMA
22 Hawthorne St
(at Howard St)
San Francisco, CA 94105 (415) 777-9779
In the Know: Generally, I would agree that everything looks better in a darker setting; ambiance, design, your date who you are convinced resembles any number of your favorite bobble heads (I know from personal experience having recently gone on a date with one...come to

Behind the Bar: At first our server was pretty distant, I am guessing because my vamp style makeup might have led her to believe I would suck on her blood. However, once I asked her about the design she was extremely helpful. Overall she was pleased with a far from cohesive design. At first glance I thought the designer did do a great job with space planning....

Gimme More!
Who Am I You Ask
Beyond Sliced Bread
Make It Easy On Me-
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