Behind the Bar

A Locals Design Guide to Bars, Restaurants, and Lounges.

Dec 29, 2008

Chubby Bunny

Hi, Hello! You probably are wondering where the F I have been for the past month. (and if you haven't well that just hurts) Yes, I have be extremely delinquent in my postings. Sorry folks! I wish I had some amazing story to tell you like I met a man and got whisked off to the Greek islands taking nothing with me but my bikini and 4 bottles of rum. (if there is any interest in that please contact me and I'll send you an application;) But alas that would not be the case. I have, however, been stuffing my face with chocolate and alcohol all month. Using the alcohol to forget about the fact I can't stop eating tasty desserts, and the tasty desserts to help keep me from going overboard with the alcohol. I think it is really a win-win situation. In the new year, I plan to keep it real while keeping it sober and in turn keep more up to date on my postings. (Subject to change and/or termination without notification) For now, I'll say my adieu to 2008 and welcome 2009! See you all next year!!!!