It has been ages but now I'm back!
My trip was amazing. It has taken me a solid week to recover from the jet lag so my blogging has gone soft. (Wow, never thought I would use that line when referring to anything other than my gentleman callers but I think it totally works!) My plan was to report back my crazy adventures across Europe, show pictures, make people jealous, and fight global warming. It turns out getting to the computer was a drag, posting pictures was not the easiest thing (especially since the guy I went with was holding them captive and refused to answer an f*ing email), making people jealous was way funner(yes I know it isn't a word) done via phone, and if SF keeps getting weather like what we got going on right now I don't think I want to fight;) To sum it all up, I am back bitches...and ready to judge!
So lets begin...
For anyone that has been reading my past entries (shout out to you, my 3 dedicated friends) you know that I am looking for the insiders scoop on the layout/design of a space. Well this is going to go completely against what I originally set out to do with this blog. I can't help it. I spent 2 whole nights in the Marina, during fleet week and I feel I must drop the design talk for a moment and focus on the perfection that is Marina people watching. I can't even play my most favoritest game in the whole is just to easy. I mean you just can't write this stuff. (of course, I can and I will)

Balboa Cafe
Neighborhood: Marina/Cow Hollow
3199 Fillmore St
(between Greenwich St & Pixley St)
San Francisco, CA 94123 (415) 921-3944
*I must say you all should really read the whole post. Much happened pre-arrival to the Marina. But for the type that doesn't want to spend a couple extra minutes reading, here is the edited night you impatient bastards!
I arrived in the marina (shout out to Omar that gave me a free cab ride!), met my drunken roommates, and we head over to Balboa Cafe. Um...I am curious as to what any of those people that frequent that neck of the woods do other

Him: "Hey, you want to go to this amazing loft party down the

Me: "Um, hi my name is Jocelyn. And no."
Him: "But it is supposed to be amazing! Full of celebrities."
Me: "Fine, I'll play along. What celebrity?"
Him: " Jared! You know...from subway."
Me: "Excuse me, did you just say Jared? Like from the subway sandwich commercials?"
Him: "Ya, he is at my friends amazing loft. Right now. Just down the street. You have to come hang out."
Me: *Actually I had no response. I walked away.
Really guy, Jared...a celebrity? And even more concerning, is that how you pick up women? Throwing out commercial stars names. I figure if you are going to throw out commercial celebrities names at least make it the Mac guy. At least he has been in some movies. Oh Marina, you never fail to impress!
Addition 2 will be coming shortly!
Gimme More!
1) The audi key chain comment was to die for.
2) Dropping "Jared from Subway" reminds me of the time a guy I went on a date with told me he was going to watch Blades of Glory with "Brian".
"Brian who?" I responded (because, duh, he obviously wanted me to ask).
"Brian Boytano", nonchalantly. Apparently they were such good friends that they were on a first name basis. Seriously, dude? Seriously?
3)Can't wait for your second installment since I was there to witness that gloriousness. Don't forget to mention that the guys we met up with had taken their out-of-towners to City Tavern two nights in a row...
And coincidentally, Boytano guy drove an Audi...
you need a camera
it would have made my day to a.see what retarded screech looks like(does he look normal, cuz screech kinda looked retarded already), and b.a pic with sheyna and jared would have made this post 38% more awesome
did either of your roommates go home/bring home a cougar?
Trust me, no thickness of beer goggle could have made him attractive. I do need to start taking my camera out with me. At least start a post of shame or something.
I was a little tempted to see if the guy was lying about Jared but in all honesty that would have given in to the whole idea of the marina guy, i.e. say any 'celebrities' name and the girl will go home with you. I, unfortunately, am not that type of girl.
P.S. There was no cougar sightings in the morning. Although I do know that they feed at night and hide during the day, so.....
post of shame - EXCELLENT idea
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